The Bible reveals a Divine Being to us Who is unique from all other beings. He exists in three distinct Persons, yet is One in essence. All three Persons have always been and will always be fully God. Therefore, three Gods do not exist, only One God. However, this One Divine Being possesses three distinct individualities. There is no other being like Him in this matter. He is uniquely three Persons in One essence. To assist us with understanding Who He is, He reveals each of His persons to us in distinct ways. The Person revealed as God the Father shows us that God is the source of all things. The Person displayed as God the Son exhibits God in a human form through which we can discern His character. The Person manifested as God the Spirit presents the essence of God, for God is Spirit. These three individualities are not One God displaying Himself in three ways; instead, they manifest the three unique personalities of God. Therefore, God the Father never acts as though He is God the Son, nor does God the Spirit display Himself as the other Two Members.

Within Scripture, God has revealed His nature to us, which is the combination of His essence and attributes.

The essence of God
The Attributes of God
Qualities of God's Nature