
When we are honest with Scripture, it clearly defines dispensations within its pages. True dispensationalism is not a Theological System; rather, it is the result of applying proper hermeneutics (rules for translating) when interpreting Scripture. This is to say, it is taking Scripture for what it normally means – there is no hidden spiritual or secondary meaning, just the normal every day meaning. Dispensationalism does not impose itself, like many Theological Systems, onto the mind of the reader to filter how Scripture is interpreted; rather, it is the natural result of an understanding that comes from cutting straight the Word of Truth. Scripture instructs us to “Be diligent to present yourself approved to the God, an unashamed workman cutting straight the Word of the Truth”,2 Timothy 2:15. God would not have told us to cut the word straight if we did not need to make distinctions in Scripture. It is very clear that some parts of Scriptures are for only the Jewish nations, where other parts are specific to the Christian. Rightly dividing the Word is correctly identify information that is to be learned for our understand and admonishment, but not practices, and the doctrine we are to live by today.

All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable facing teaching, facing reproof, facing correction, facing child-training in the righteousness, 2 Timothy 3:16

  • God-breathed is a specific term coined by Paul to describe the fact that all Scripture is from the breath of God.
  • Teaching is referring to information that is to be learned, but not practice.
  • Reproof is to expose that which is wrong.
  • Correction is for correcting faults.
  • Child-training in the righteousness is specific for the saint today.