Essence is the essential or basic structure of an entity. It describes what something is made up of, the underlying substance. Therefore, essence is the basis by which something exists. It describes the footing of justification for boasting, reasons for steadfastness, the foundation for hope, and the underpinning for the inherent ability of a being.

To help us better understand the concept of essence we can examine how Scripture uses it.

In his second letter to the Corinthians saints, Paul encourages them to begin setting funds aside to fulfill their commitment, lest when he comes, if some of the Macedonians are with him, the Corinthian saints should be ashamed based on (essence) their boasting, 2 Corinthians 9:4. In the same letter, Paul dealt with false apostles claiming that he was nothing. On the foundation of foolishness, for Paul knows not to boast in the flesh, Paul reminds them that if anyone has anything to boast about in the flesh, it would be him, 2 Corinthians 2:17.

Faith is the substance (essence) of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds not seen, Hebrews 11:1. Since hope is always based upon a promise, faith is the reason there is hope, for if we do not believe someone’s word, how will we trust in the fulfillment of their statement? However, when we have faith in their promise, our lives are impacted by our trust in their ability to fulfill it. Therefore, without faith, there is no hope.

The character and Person of Christ fully represents the essence of God to us in human form, Hebrews 1:3. Since Christ is the Second Person of the Godhead in human form, He is the radiance of the proper opinion and character of the essence of God. He has always existed as God, with the other members of the Godhead; therefore, He is not a created or birthed being, John 1:1. Setting aside His outward appearance as God, He took on the appearance of a man and was found in the likeness of a human, Philippians 2:6-8. However, He is still God; therefore, His actions are based on Him being God.

John 4:24 states that God’s essence is spirit: the underlying immaterial substance that is the basis for God’s existence. Spirit’s characteristics are self-existence, simplicity, immensity, and unity.

Self-existence is an inherent characteristic of spirit. The animating principle of spirit has no beginning or end; therefore, God possesses life within Himself, John 5:26. The basis of His existence is by the necessity of His Own Being, and He is the only living and true God, 1 Thessalonians 1:9. He is the I AM, Exodus 3:14; The self-existing One. The Hebrew name for LORD means self-existing One ( יהוה – Yihweh). It is rooted in the word “to be (היה heyeh)”, for He simply is.

Unity relates to the essence, not the individual Persons of the Godhead. God’s essence is singular in existence; therefore, He is one spirit. The Persons do not divide or separate the essence into three individual beings. Since spirit is united, it cannot be added to or taken from; instead, it is always singular and will always remain one essence.

There is only One God, Deuteronomy 6:4.

The essence of the Father and Son is One Thing, John 10:30. It is important to note that when Jesus stated this, He used a neuter gender for the word “One” instead of masculine, which does not indicate that He is the Father; instead, by using a neuter “One”, He reveals that they are of the same essence, yet individuals.

Even the demons know that God is One, James 2:19.

The simplicity of the essence of God means that spirit can never become anything but spirit. His essence cannot be compounded with another substance by adding to it or disarranged by decomposing. His essence is and always will simply be spirit. Therefore, when He is called, “The King of the ages, incorruptible, invisible”, it is true because His essence does not change or corrupt.

Now to the King of the ages, incorruptible, invisible, only God, wisdom and glory into the ages of the ages. – 1 Timothy 1:17.

Professing themselves to be wise, they were made to be foolish and changed the proper opinion of the incorruptible God into a likeness of corruptible humans and birds, and four-footed animals and creeping things – Romans 1:22-23.

Immensity describes His essence. His essence is beyond the boundaries of the universe, 1 Kings 8:27. Because of His immensity, He can be everywhere at all times, Jeremiah 23:23-24. Heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool, Isaiah 66:1. Christ showed the immensity of God by ascending above the heavens; therefore, God exists outside of this universe, Ephesians 4:9-10. The ability of Christ to pass through the heavens displays that He is God, for no other being can go beyond the glory clouds that cover the third heaven, Hebrews 4:14; Isaiah 14:14. This aspect of God’s nature is fully manifested to us through Scripture. He has set His glory above the heavens, Psalm 8:1; 57:11. He is high above all the nations, and the proper opinion of Who He is, is above the heavens, Psalms 113:4.

Omnipresence is not an attribute of God; instead, it describes the immensity of His essence. An attribute must be an ability of the essence that is true at all times. In eternity past, there was nothing created for whom God would be present. Therefore, omnipresence is a space-time relationship of His immensity to creation. The universe was created within the essence of God. Since His essence is spirit, and spirit is not bound to material substance, it can exist in the same space without conflict or causing confusion of identity. God and creation are not one thing. His essence is present in all creation, yet at the same time it transcends all creation.

Since God’s essence is beyond the created universe, each of the three Persons of the Godhead can be present to creation in different ways at various times. God the Father and God the Son are currently residing within the third heaven, where the Holy Spirit inhabits the Church on earth, Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 8:1. During Christ’s earthly ministry, God the Father and God the Spirit were present in the third heaven, John 14:16. The ability to change location of residency reveals that each Person of the Godhead totally possesses the entirety of the Divine Essence and can therefore personally emphasize His presence in any place within the essence.