An attribute is a characteristic or quality that defines an entity, concept, or object. It is the inherent ability of the essence. Scripture reveals seven attributes of God’s essence, giving us a full understanding of His Nature.


Omniscience is the attribute of possessing a complete and unlimited knowledge. All three Persons of the Godhead have a full awareness and understanding of all the events, possibilities, and facts, both actual and potential, Matthew 11:21-23. Therefore, they are uniquely wise towards each other and all other things.

God knows the beginning from the end, Isaiah 46:9-10; therefore, He simultaneously knows the past, present, and future, Romans 4:17; Acts 15:15-17. This knowledge is not mixed or unclear because He knows the beginning as the beginning and the end as the end, along with all the sequential events in between, Romans 11:33. Therefore, He is not learning as time goes by, nor has He overlooked any aspect or forgotten any fact concerning any event. Through His power He made the earth, and by His wisdom He established it, stretching out the heavens by His understanding, Jeremiah 10:12.

We see examples of His knowledge in prophecy and its fulfillment. It was prophesied concerning Christ that the Lord would hear Him and deliver Him from death, Psalm 22:8. The elders of Israel referenced this prophecy while Christ was on the cross, Matthew 27:43. The Roman soldiers divided His garments among themselves, just as prophecy foretold, John 19:24.
He knows what He has planned to do beforehand. For it was determined beforehand that Christ would be delivered over to lawless hands to crucify Him, Acts 2:23. Those who would be in the Church are the elect of God, not individually chosen beforehand, but of a chosen group that would be placed as sons, 1 Peter 1:1-2. Foreknowledge is looking back at the decree the Godhead made before the creation of the universe. God determined beforehand that all who are in Christ would be holy and blameless in love before Him, Ephesians 1:4. God made an oath to show the immutability of His promises, Hebrews 6:17-18.

God also knows the possible from the actual. If the works done in Bethsaida were done in Tyre and Sidon, they would still be there to this day, Matthew 11:21-23. God knew that Saul would come to Keilah and that the men of the city would turn David and his men over to him, 1 Samuel 23:5-14. God knows our sitting and rising, and He understands our thoughts, for He understands our path and is acquainted with our ways. There is no place that God is not, for not even darkness can hide someone from Him, Psalms 139:1-12.

He has a knowledge that exceeds that of men. The way He thinks is not the way man is able to think. His ways are beyond that of men, Isaiah 55:8-9. However, those who are in Christ can receive the things from the Spirit and understand the mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 (for who knows the mind of the Lord, who is knit together with Him? Indeed, we have a quality of the mind of Christ), for we are joined together with God in our spirit, 1 Corinthians 6:17.
The depth of the riches of His knowledge are unsearchable by men. No man knows the mind of the Lord that he may counsel Him. Who can give to God that He must repay it? All things are from Him and to Him, Romans 11:33-36.

Yes, God knows who will be saved and who will be lost; however, that does not mean that God pre-elected some to salvation and the rest to condemnation. The condemnation of men is because of Adam’s sin, not God’s will, Romans 5:12. In the decree, God determined not to make this type of choice, 2 Peter 3:9. Therefore, it is foolish of men to say that some are pre-elect to salvation, whereas others are not. God had provided salvation for all. However, God is free to use a person in the way He deems appropriate, including setting them apart as vessels of wrath, just as He determined to use Pharaoh, a man who had rejected the truth, to make His name known to the whole world, Romans 9:17-18.


Omnipotence is the attribute of Deity relating to its inherent ability. Each member of the Godhead is able to do anything that He determines to do. Therefore, if God says He will perform something, He, in fact, has the inherent ability to do what He said, for He is not the type of being that is unaware of the capabilities of His own strength and abilities.

His eyes are open to all the ways of men, to show favor to thousands and repay the perversity of the father upon his children, Jeremiah 32:18-19, 27. It is through His power that all things begin and end, Revelation 1:8.

When discussing Sarah’s question concerning her ability to have a child, the Lord asks Abraham if anything is too difficult for Him. Then He states that at the appointed time, He will return the time of life to Sarah, and she will bear a son, Genesis 18:14. This involves the miraculous restoration of the physical body to enable it to procreate again, even though her body was well past the time of being able to give life.

God made the heavens and the earth by His great strength and outstretched hand, Jeremiah 32:17. He not only created the universe out of nothing but also made the heavens and the earth by His strength. In the first part of the book of Genesis, we have the renovation of the earth, which was done by His strength as He made it possible for humans to live in Eden, making something at His will, Genesis 1:3. Through His wisdom, He established the inhabited world and stretched out the heavens by His discernment, Jeremiah 10:12


Truth is seeing things as they really are because it is not concealed, and does not fail or disappoint expectations. Therefore, truth is not relative; it is absolute.

Since truth is an attribute of God’s essence, He is a Being that never lies. This is an essential aspect of His nature in contrast to humans, for every man is a liar who contradicts or changes what God has said, Romans 3:4. God will be justified in His word and blameless in His judgment because they are truthful, Psalms 51:4.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, Who is the third person of the Godhead revealed to us. Today the Holy Spirit, Who was sent from the Father and testifies concerning Christ, convicts the world of the singular sin of not believing in Christ, John 16:8. The Holy Spirit is the one who teaches us how to abide in Christ, 1 John 2:27, and is the Spirit of truth, John 15:26.

As a truthful Being by nature, God does what He says He will do, for He is not a man, nor the son of a man that He should be caused to change His mind, Numbers 23:19. Therefore, we can hold fast to the hope that we have, for He Who promised is faithful, Hebrews 10:23.

Those who reject God exchange the truth of God for the lie, which is independence from Him, Romans 1:25. As a result of their willful denial of truth, their minds are turned over to corruption, exchanging the incorruptible image of God with that of corruptible man, animals, and creeping things, while serving and worshiping the creation rather than the Creator. In their rejection, they even ruin their own bodies, doing that which is against nature, Romans 1:26-27.


Goodness is an inherent attribute of Deity that produces an inner sense of well-being. God is good; therefore, He is by nature happy. He is the only Being Who inherently is good, Matthew 19:17. God is a happy God, 1 Timothy 1:11. Since Jesus is God in the flesh, He also has a sense of well-being, resulting in Him being happy, 1 Timothy 6:15.

Mercy is an aspect of God’s goodness, not an attribute. Through His goodness, He wants others to have an inner sense of well-being. Mercy is the relief from the impact of sin. Because of His great love with which He loved us, He is rich in mercy towards us, saving us even though we were dead in trespasses and sins, Ephesians 2:4-5. According to His mercy, He saved us by the washing and regeneration from the Holy Spirit, Titus 3:5. Happy is the man to whom the Lord does not impute his sin, Romans 4:7-8.

LoveLove is an attitude that seeks the best for another. To understand this attribute of God, it is important to comprehend the differences between the concepts of love expressed in the Greek language. Agape (ἀγάπη) is a type of love that seeks the best for the one loved. This is the kind of love that conveys God’s attribute. Philos (φίλος), which is often mistranslated as love, means fondness, expressing friendship. These two concepts of love are expressed in Scripture, where στοργή (storge – family love) and ἔρως (eros – romance) are not but often their definitions are imposed upon the meaning of love.

When it comes to a human type of agape (ἀγάπη), it is the desire for something that a person is willing to sacrifice to gain it. It is not seeking the best for the one loved, instead, it is for the benefit of the one expressing love. This type of love is shown by those who are fond of giving long salutations, wearing clothing to emphasize their prosperity, and love the best seats of the synagogues so they are given the admiration of men, Luke 11:43. The result of this kind of love from humans is to seek the best for themselves, not caring about how it impacts others. Such things as adultery, fornication, dishonorable passions, and going after strange flesh are applied to the concept of love, when they are actually expressing ἔρως (eros – romance) and only seeking to fulfill the desires from the flesh.

In contrast to human love, God’s quality of love always seeks the best for the one loved. This kind of love is defined in Scripture so that we can understand it. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 explains what true agape is. Love is long-suffering, which is a long holding out of one’s anger against unreasonable people. Love is kind, for it seeks to make others feel at ease. Love is not jealous, nor does it brag, or puff itself up. Love will in no way act in a disgraceful manner, nor seeks its own benefit. Love is not provoked, will not put to a person’s account something that is wrong, and will not rejoice in unrighteousness. Instead, love rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, and endures all things. Love will not accept a person’s perverted way or accept their corrupt lifestyle. Love does not excuse wickedness without penalty or overlook the wrong others.

When God expressed love towards the world, He did not dismiss sin; instead, He sent His Son to pay the ransom and free us from the sin nature, John 3:16. Grace is an aspect of love, for it is an attitude by which a person is given a benefit without consideration of merit. God expressed His love towards us while we were yet sinners, Romans 5:8; therefore, through this expression of love, God gave us the means by which to be saved from His coming wrath. He did not do this because we deserved salvation; instead, in expressing love towards us while we were sinners, He did what was best in providing a righteous way to be saved.
In contrast to human love, and even the love required under the Mosaic law, the Christian’s standard of love is to love as Christ loved us, John 13;34. This can only be done by using the fruit of the Spirit, Who proceeds God’s quality of love in our lives, Galatians 5:22-23. This type of love will always seek the best for others.

RighteousnessRighteousness describes a person who acts in accordance with good virtue and morals. The types of actions they produce are beneficial and no aspect of wrong is involved in their lifestyle.

By His nature, God is righteous; therefore, He never acts in a way that is contrary to Who He is, and in all His ways He does what is right, Psalm 145:17. Even in the deferral of punishment for sins God’s righteousness is shown through Christ’s propitiatory work on the cross. God was, in fact, righteous in His actions towards sinful humans and fallen spirit beings, while only providing justification through grace for humans. He did not ignore sin; instead, He directly addressed it for what it truly is and dealt with it in a righteous manner, Romans 3:25. When those who are saved today sin, God is righteous in sending away the sin, along with cleansing from all unrighteousness, when they verbally agree that their action is not out from faith and therefore sinful, 1 John 1:9. As children of God, He deals with our sin as a family matter. This may include child-training to get us to correct our ways or even putting us to death when we refuse to accept His correction, for He will not allow His children to be condemned with the world, 1 Corinthians 11:32. Those who are clean do not need to wash again, only their feet need to be washed, John 13:10. Therefore, the sending away of sins is a righteous response to a saint verbally agreeing with God concerning their actions being sinful.

All humans possess the knowledge of good and evil; therefore, we intuitively know what is right to do, Genesis 3:22. We know that a good person is kind and helpful, one who obeys the laws and does not do things in secret. Their works are beneficial in nature. We also know that those who do wrong are harmful to others, hide their activities, and negatively impact our society. This knowledge is because we have a conscience that bears witness either for or against us, Romans 2:15.

There is no aspect of the sin nature in God, for within Him is no darkness, 1 John 1:5. He dwells in the light, which reveals all things for what they truly are, 1 Timothy 6:16. His actions are not done in a hidden manner; instead, they are on display for all to see, Isaiah 45:19.

No man in a position of authority is purer in his judgments than God, Who is our Creator. No high-born man is more righteous, Job 4:17. The sons of man do not judge in fairness, Psalm 58:1; however, when the time is proper, God will fairly judge, Psalm 75:2. The way of the righteous is fairness, Isaiah 26:7. The words of king David express the necessity of a ruler who is righteous and has respect for God, 2 Samuel 23:2. Although he knew that his house was not set in order before God, through his life he had learned that God is righteous and therefore will do as He promised, 2 Samuel 23:5. Therefore, God is just when He speaks, and His judgments are without blame, which no man can claim, for He is, by His very nature, righteous, Psalm 51:4.

HolinessHoliness is separation. One who is holy is set apart from others. Vain repetition has no value with God, so when Isaiah records the seraphim at the throne crying out, “Holy, Holy, Holy”, there is a purpose for their repetition, for they speak of the three persons of the Godhead.

And this one called unto that one and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy is Jehovah of hosts. All the earth is full because of His honor, Isaiah 6:3.

God is One in essence, but three in Persons. Therefore, it is true that the Lord God is One God, Deuteronomy 6:4; yet, has three distinct divine Persons.
We see the three Persons expressed all throughout Scripture; therefore, this is not a new concept imposed on Scripture by Christianity. In the beginning, the Spirit of the Lord is brooding over the earth, Genesis 1:2. Brooding is something a being does; it does not describe the actions or characteristics of wind or breath, Deuteronomy 32:11. In the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Lord on the earth rained fire and brimstone upon the valley from the Lord in the heavens, Genesis 19:24.

False religions such as Islam reject the revelation of three persons and make God a being that has little interest in humans. This concept comes from how God interacted with Ishmael, who was not the son of promise; however, God still blessed him because he came from Abraham, Genesis 16:10-12. In doing so, they deny the Holiness of God. Other cults, such as the Mormons, change the image of God into that of humans, making Jesus a son of the Father, who was a human before he became a God, Romans 1:23. Denying the holiness of God. All false religions claim Jesus never states that He is God; however, Scripture shows otherwise. Not only was He able to forgive sins, which is only something God can do, evident through the physical healing of those He forgave, He also clearly stated to the Jews that He is the I AM, John 8:58; Matthew 9:2-6. However, God shares His glory with no one; therefore, Jesus cannot be a god, but the God, Isaiah 42:8.

Each person of the Godhead is unique and totally separate from the other two. This separation has been true at all times concerning God. He has never existed in a form other than One Divine Nature with three distinct Persons. Each Person of the Godhead is equal in power and authority, yet individual in Person. In revealing Himself to us, God has chosen to show the three Persons in different ways so that we can understand that God is both the source of all things and the means by which all things continue to exist. God the Father is expressing that God is the source of all things. God the Son displays Deity in a physical form that we as humans can understand and by whose power all things exist. God the Spirit conveys that God’s essence is Spirit.