Several Things to Understand About the Coming Tribulation to Avoid Being Deceived
The Tribulation Period is a seven-year time on earth during which the wrath of God is poured out upon men on the earth. The first three and a half years of the Tribulation are judgment on the dispensation of Law, referred to as Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7). The latter three and a half years are judgment upon the Gentile nations (Luke 21:24).
Unlike Israel, to whom God gave specific times between many events, the Church lives out from faith and has not been given a date for Christ’s return. However, Christ provided the book of Revelation so that we will understand the times and seasons.
In the opening chapters of Revelation, seven assemblies are described. Through studying the history of the Church, we understand that these assemblies represent seven stages of the Church's existence on earth. Chapters 1 through 3 outline these seven stages, culminating in the Laodicean period. Each type of assembly described is present on earth throughout the Dispensation of Grace. The different assemblies and their timelines reflect the predominant condition of the Church during their respective periods.
The Seven Church Periods
Church of Ephesus 96 to 170 A.D. —Revelation 2:1.
This assembly is at the end of the Apostolic period - No more Apostles.
Commended for testing those who say they are apostles but are not.
Lost its first love, Revelation 2:4; 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.
Church of Smyrna 170-312 A.D. — Revelation 2:8
A period of great persecution for the Church
Satan persecuted the Church during this time, with ten distinct periods (Revelation 2:10):
Nero (64–68 A.D.), Domitian (81–96 A.D.), Trajan (112–117 A.D.), Marcus Aurelius (161–180 A.D.), Septimus Severus (202–210 A.D.), Decius (250–251 A.D.), Valerian (257–259 A.D.), Maximus the Thracian (235–238 A.D.), Aurelian (270–275 A.D.), and Diocletian and Galerius (303–312 A.D.).
Church of Pergamos 312-606 A.D. — Revelation 2:12.
The Church became a State Religion—Constantine.
Church leaders began to follow the way of Balaam, introducing false doctrines for money and prestige—merchandising of the saints, Revelation 2:14.
Separation of the Clergy, Revelation 2:15.
Church of Thyatira 606-1520 A.D. — Revelation 2:18
The rise of the Harlot Jezebel, Revelation 2:20.
Church leaders mix Christianity with other religions, bringing in idolatry.
The papal system is implemented.
The Crusades and the rise of the Inquisition—the Jezebelistic persecution of the Church.
Church of Sardis 1520 – 1730 A.D. — Revelation 3:1
A dead assembly, even though it has a name that is alive—changing the gospel for salvation, Revelation 3:1.
The reformation period.
The assemblies did not completely shed the ritualistic idolatry of the Catholic Church, and many sects arose from which many heresies spread. Many still impact the Church today.
Reformed/Covenant Theology.
Church of Philadelphia 1750-1906 A.D. — Revelation 3:7
It is a small assembly with a significant impact due to its hold on Scripture.
It is commended for guarding God’s Word.
A great missionary movement arises, and the Church becomes more focused on teaching the Word of God correctly.
It was a highly impactful time in the history of the Church to reveal the truth within Scripture.
Church of Laodicea 1906 A.D. to present. — Revelation 3:14.
Marked by the Pentecostal revival and the rise of wealthy mega-churches
These assemblies do not have proper doctrinal content.
Christ is outside of the assembly—they use His name but do not follow His Word.
Many unsaved are in the assemblies, including most of their leaders.
Christ spews them out of His mouth—the unbelievers who claim to be part of the Church go into the Tribulation.
Events Preceding the Tribulation
The Man of Lawlessness—the beast of Revelation and Daniel—cannot be revealed until the Church is removed from the earth, 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
Church meets Christ in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17.
Rewards seat of Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15.
Church is presented to the Father, 1 Thessalonians 3:13.
The rise of a one-world religion —Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots.
She will have authority over many nations, Revelation 17:1, 15.
The rise of the man of Lawlessness, 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
Covenant is made with Israel which starts the Tribulation, Daniel 9:27.
Three and a half years into the Tribulation, when the beast presents himself as God, the false prophet will rise, Revelation 13:11-17; 16:13.
The mark of the Beast is implemented.
A Few More Details to Keep in Mind
The Church will not go through the Tribulation because it has not been appointed to any quality of wrath.
for God has not set us unto any quality of wrath, but unto obtaining salvation throuhg our Lord Jesus Christ —1 Thessalonians 5:9
The ten nations that bring the man of Lawlessness upon the scene will not rise until the Church is gone. They rise for the purpose of giving the man of Lawlessness his authority.
and the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, not yet having received a kingdom, but they will receive authority as kings for one hour with the beast — Revelation 17:12.
The mark of the beast is a visible tattoo placed upon the right hand or forehead of those who worship the beast. It is implemented in the second half of the Tribulation period when the Man of Lawlessness sets himself up in the Temple of God in Jerusalem, claiming to be God.
and he makes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, in order that they should receive to themselves a mark upon their right hand or upon their forehead — Revelation 13:16.
And in order that someone should not have the ability to buy or sell except the one having the mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name — Revelation 13:17.
The mark will show all that the one who has it worships the beast.
The term “mark” is specifically defined as something that is visible and clearly identifiable.
Therefore, while being offspring of the God, we are obligated not to consider gold or silver or stone, a mark of tradesman and inner burning of humans, to be like the Divine Nature — Acts 17:29.
and the first departed and poured out his bowl upon the earth and it came to be a bad and malignant ulcer upon the humans, the ones having the mark of the beast, even the ones offering worship to his image — Revelation 16:2.
Receiving the mark is done willingly, not by force. It is require to participate in the beast’s economic system.
Punishment for those who receive the mark of the beast.
And another third angel followed them saying in a loud voice, “If someone worships the beast and his image and receives a mark upon their forehead or right hand — Revelation 14:9.
And the smoke of their torment into the ages of the ages will rise up and the ones who worship the beast and his image and anyone receiving the mark of his name will not have rest day and night — Revelation 14:11.
Our Focus While Awaiting Christ's Return
Seek assemblies that reflect the characteristics of the Philadelphia church—small, faithful to God’s Word, and dispensational in teaching but not dispensationalist (i.e., they do not impose a theological system onto Scripture but rather adhere to a literal interpretation that reveals the dispensations). They will teach that salvation is by grace through faith in the death of Christ for our sins and His resurrection three days later (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).