Regret (μεταμέλομαι)
The term regret (μεταμέλομαι) conveys to feel sorry or remorse concerning a previous action. It is not equivalent to repent (μετάνοια), which means to “to change the mind”. The verb μεταμέλομαι (metamelomia) is derived from the prefix μετά (meta, "after" or "change") and the verb μέλω (melo, "to be concerned" or "to care for"). Etymologically, it conveys the idea of “after-care” and thus is translated as “regret.” It reflects a change of concern after an action or decision has been made.
When Paul wrote a letter to the saints in Corinth to address their unbecoming behavior, his comments were very poignant. Although Paul was concerned about the harshness of his tone, he did not regret writing the letter (2 Corinthians 7:8). Through his rebuke, he grieved them. However, this type of grief serves a purpose: to bring about a change of mind (2 Corinthians 7:10).
In one of His encounters with the leaders of Israel, Jesus speaks of two sons who respond differently to their father’s request. The first son refused to work in the vineyard but later, after considering his father’s request, he regretted his response and went to work (Matthew 21:29). The second one agreed with the father’s request but did not go work in the vineyard. Through this parable, Jesus highlighted that John the Baptist came to the leaders of Israel in righteousness. Although they did not receive him, the tax collector and harlots did. Seeing the change of mind of these sinners in response to John’s message should have opened the leaders’ eyes. However, they still did not regret rejecting his announcement of the coming King (Matthew 21:32).
Judas Iscariot was a thief (John 12:6) and was the only disciple of the twelve who did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Because he handled the group’s purse, he chose to stay with them. This attitude ultimately led to betraying Christ for thirty pieces of silver. In betraying Christ, his intent was not for Christ to be put to death. Instead, he saw an opportunity to make money, expecting them to beat Jesus and afterward release Him. However, when Jesus was condemned to death, Judas responded with remorse for his actions and sought to return the money (Matthew 27:3). He knew that Jesus was innocent, and by his hand Christ was placed into a position that allowed the leaders of Israel to have Him put to death (Matthew 27:4).
This regret did not result in a change of mind, or repentance. Instead, overwhelmed by despair, he hanged himself (Matthew 27:5) His grief was not a godly one but due to his loss of income—a godly grief leads to a change of mind whereas worldly grief leads to death (2 Corinthians 7:10).
Christ is the High Priest after the Melchizedek order. This is a covenant made by the Father that He would never regret. Jesus is the High Priest into the age (Hebrews 7:21). Therefore, Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant. Unlike the Levitical order, which had many High Priests, His priesthood is unchangeable, for He abides into the age (Hebrews 7:24).
The root of regret (μεταμέλομαι) is “to care about” (μελει). Thus, when God calls, He does not regret His gift (Romans 11:29). Likewise, godly grief produces a change of mind without regret (2 Corinthians 7:10), for God does not revisit His actions in a way that leads to remorse, particularly regarding salvation.