Mental Control (πίμπλημι)
“Mental Control” (πίμπλημι) is a type of filling by which a person is completely filled up in such a way as to directly influence their direction and activities. They are dominated by whatever is filling them.
This type of filling occurred on the day of Pentecost in the upper room, as described in Acts 2, when the disciples were filled and dominated by the Holy Spirit, enabling them to speak in other dialects.
And they were all dominated by the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages just as the Spirit gave them to declare - Acts 2:4.
The filling on the day of Pentecost was distinct from the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues. The Pentecost filling was a specific, divine act for the purpose of serving as a sign to the Jews.
The filling of the Holy Spirit for the Church is a replenishing type of filling. Instead, it was a type of filling that was for the purpose of showing the Jews a sign from God. In contrast, the filling of the Holy Spirit for the Church describes a replenishing or filling up where there is a lack. This distinction is also reflected in Acts 2:2, where the sound of a mighty rushing wind filled (where lacking) the house as the Holy Spirit descended from heaven.
The Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, given to the Church as a sign to unbelieving Jews, represents a different type of filling. This filling is described as replenishing or filling up what is lacking. In this type of filling, the individual retains control over the exercise of the gift (1 Corinthians 14:32). On the day of Pentecost the disciples did not control what they were speaking. Furthermore, Christians are instructed to abstain from using the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues if no interpreter is present (1 Corinthians 14:26-28).
There are several forms of Greek words for "filling" that may initially seem confusing, but a bit of study can resolve any misunderstandings. Plēthō (πληθω) is a form of pimplēmi (πίμπλημι), not a separate word. It looks very similar to plēroō (πληρόω), the distinction lies in their roots and meanings. When the root of the word is properly identified, it expresses either a dominating type of filling (pimplēmi), which involves mental control, or a replenishing type of filling (plēroō), which implies filling up where something is lacking. In English, these distinctions can be conveyed by using “dominate” for a mentally controlling type of filling and “replenish” for a restorative filling. The fact that Scripture was originally written in Greek highlights the intentionality of such distinctions. These differences in word choice are purposeful, enabling us to properly grasp the truths conveyed in the original text.
As the Old Testament saints transitioned into the era of grace and the New Covenant, there was a period during which God used signs and wonders to demonstrate to the Jews that the events unfolding were His work. However, when Israel fully rejected the resurrected Messiah, the sign and miracle gifts, including the ability to speak in other dialects (speaking in tongues), ceased. Additionally, after John completed the writing of the book of Revelation, the gift of prophecy ceased to operate within the Church (1 Corinthians 13:8-10).
The controlling nature of a dominating (pimplēmi, πίμπλημι) type of filling is evident in its effects on the city of Ephesus. In Acts 19:29, the entire city was filled with confusion as Demetrius and the silversmiths incited chaos with their shouting, causing the crowd to rush into the theater with one accord. Similarly, in Antioch of Pisidia, the Jews were dominated by envy in response to the Gentiles' acceptance of Paul and Barnabas's message. Their envy led them to speak contradicting and blasphemous things against Paul, as described in Acts 13:45. Ironically, their opposition to the truth resulted in the Gospel message being directed toward the Gentiles, fulfilling God’s plan (Acts 13:47-51). In contrast to the Jews being dominated (filled) by their envy, the disciples are replenished (filled) with joy by the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52).
The last recorded instance in Scripture of a Christian being dominated by the Holy Spirit occurred with Paul as he confronted Elymas the sorcerer (Acts 13:8–9). Through Paul, the Holy Spirit condemned and punished Elymas for standing against the truth. Today, the only type of filling performed by the Holy Spirit is a filling where lacking. This occurs when a believer puts on the new man, enabling them to utilize the fruit of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit fills the believer where they are lacking, allowing them to fully manifest the character of Christ (Ephesians 5:18).