Lust (ἐπιθυμία)
Although often translated as “lust,” epithumia (ἐπιθυμία) means “a strong desire”. The English word “lust” specific refers to desires perceived primarily as sexual in nature. However, epithumia (ἐπιθυμία) is much wider in its meaning, encompassing strong desire that may be either good or evil. Thus, it is the context that determines whether the strong desires are good or bad.
In the parable of the Sower of the Seed, we find that desires concerning the cares of this world and the pursuit of wealth arose like weeds, choking out the message of the Kingdom of the Heavens (Mark 4:19). Although the message of the coming Messiah was heard and initially accepted, the worries of this world and the concern over wealth caused the hearer to disregard the fulfillment of prophecy.
In His dealings with the Pharisees, Jesus reveals that they were following the desires of their father, Satan (John 8:44). Often desires from Satan are looked at as wicked, but here we see the perceived religious leaders of the time being called out for pursuing his desires rather than God’s. Satan desires to be like God (Isaiah 14:14) and comes as a messenger of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) to ensnare believers (2 Timothy 2:26). He secretly bringing in his sons to introduce false doctrines to manipulate the minds of the believers to follow his desires (Ephesians 2:2; Galatians 2:4). This deception affected the Jews during Jesus’ time and continues to influence Christians today.
We should pay close attention to the teachings in our local assemblies and seek out pastors who speak the truth. It is essential to reject participation in assemblies that prioritize manipulating our desires through emotional experiences—whether in worship services, events, or gatherings—designed to make attendees feel good about themselves rather than focusing on the truth.
When it comes to dealing with the desires stemming from the sin nature, we have to apply the truth to our lives (the doctrine by which we have victory over sin). Through application of this doctrine, we are able to stop letting these desires reign as king in our lives (Romans 6:12). We do not use the Mosaic law to overcome the desires from the sin nature. Our sin nature exploits the law as an opportunity to rule us again. Law gives the sin nature strength (Romans 7:8). We live out from faith by grace, where the law is not out from faith (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:12).
In contrast to the desires from our sin nature, the Holy Spirit’s desires make it impossible to fulfill the cravings from the flesh when we are governing our lives by them (Galatians 5:16). Before obeying the gospel for salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), we walked according to the desires of the flesh (Ephesians 2:3), governing our lives by the immoral yearnings of the nations who follow after a flood of debauchery (1 Peter 4:3) because they reject God (Romans 1:24). Now, we are to put off this former conduct of our old man, who grows corrupt by deceitful desires (Ephesians 4:22), by living out who we are in Christ. This type of lifestyle will separate us from these depraved activities we previously participated in because we are now seeking to fulfill the desires from the Spirit (Colossians 3:5).
The desires from the Holy Spirit do not mix with those from the flesh. The sin nature resides in the flesh and its desires wage war on the soul—affecting our emotions (1 Peter 2:11). Therefore, we are not to make any provisions for the desires of the flesh (Romans 13:14).
Desires impact every aspect of our lives. Every activity in our life first starts with a desire. We sin because we are first tempted—baited and drawn us out by our desires. These desires then work out sin if we do not take the way of escape provided by God (James 1:14-15). However, the desires that enter our mind are not sin, for sin is always exterior to the body (1 Corinthians 6:18). Sin results from a bad desire when the decision to fulfill that desire is acted upon (James 1:15).
The desires from the flesh are deceitful and corrupt. The desires from Satan seek independence from God. The desires from the world system involve the pride of biological life—such as pride in heritage or skin color—and the desires of the flesh and eyes. All of which are constantly passing away. In contrast, the desirous will of God does not change, and those who follow His desires will not be tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men or the manipulative desires from our sin nature.
Therefore, let us pay attention to the desires we have, reject those that do not line up with who we are in Christ, and focus on knowing and doing God’s desirous will in our lives.